Saturday, October 13, 2007

Sample uVme Welcome Email - uVme Welcome Letter

Hi ,

Welcome: Thanks for pre-registering to uVme recently through my guest link. I'm Travis Rule, your sponsor. Welcome to our group. I hope we can work together to make a very large income! Just thought I'd drop a little personal email in case you're wondering what to do now.

What to do now: You've probably watched the teaser movies on the website and I'd urge you to download and read the "insiders report" on the homepage! It's SO exciting! uVme is going to be massive and we're the pioneers in a privileged position. The games go live later, but it's the business side that will make us very rich! We now have the opportunity to be part of a large, strong group working together, actually BEFORE millions of other people join! Note : My direct signups benefit YOU The launch doesn't start until later this year so uVme is currently in prelaunch. We've got a few weeks now to get as many people interested as possible and of course it's FREE for them to register on your site! Getting prospects to your site is simple:

Log in to your site and follow these 5 easy steps to success!

1. Go to the "Prospects" page and "add Prospect" and enter the names (and emails) of people you know who you think would be interested in uVme, or working with us. The system sends out auto-promotional emails to these people even when you're sleeping all with YOUR link on them! The website will do all the hard work and email them with a message linking directly to your site. Repeat for everybody you personally know with an email address.

2. Now, the most important! Click on "Marketing" page, and scroll near the bottom. Press the URL button and highlight the code generated. This is your referral code. Email this link to everybody you know asking if they will join you!

3. If you manage to directly register anybody (just as I did with you), please copy and pass this email on to them, to teach them to do the same.

4. Get hundreds to thousands of people visiting your affiliate site this week! I have had great success using a traffic exchange program called TrafficSwarm to generate signups daily for uVme. It’s completely free to sign up and set up your ads. Click Here to get started. More info on setting up your ads for TrafficSwarm in my blog.

5. Finally, to see all of the marketing techniques I use to generate thousands of sign ups, please visit my blog

You're not alone with uVme! It's ALL about teamwork. My success means money for us both! Your success is money for us both! When the games launch, promotion is going to surge. You're in NOW! Thanks very much for your attention and here's to successful promotion! Remember, nobody's asking for money, it's FREE to sign people up and with huge teams built at launch time, we'll have a full time income from uVme and it’s honestly been SO much fun so far! A little easy work now means HUGE rewards upon launch! Go get 'em and good luck!

To Our Success!

Travis Rule

uVme : Paid to Play Games online - Join my group!

Join My Social Network Group and Get Paid To Market uVme!

P.S. I am here to help you in any way that I can. Please feel free to email me with any questions. Also, I suggest that you attend one of our conference calls as soon as you can. More info please login to your back office and click the “News” tab, then “Meetings & Events”

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