Sunday, November 4, 2007

uVme Launch Date Set For Nov 26th! The Games Are Going Live!

Here's the news you've all been waiting to hear...

Games go live on 26 November - yippee!

Most functionalities will be live from that date (provided the next stage of Beta testing runs smoothly that is) including Associate upgrade (pay,play and earn), one-2-one gaming, running tournaments and the communicator.

This is known as Soft Launch with the main full-function expected live March 2008. Up until that point we'll all be beta-testing the system.

Downline Strategy

Having now had several discussions with our upline and indeed the co-founders of VWD Tom Brodie and Len Fitzgerald it is agreed that to make best use of the Pay-Plan and to maximise incomes from this fantastic opportunity this is what we all need to be doing:-

1. Select your 3 best team members, the people who you know are going to commit. That's all you need - 3 people who are serious with the business. Those 3 people then need to duplicate what you've done, i.e. get 3 people who are committed to building a business.

2. After that's set - concentrate on depth in the team.

3. Help and support others to find their 3 and you'll have the foundation for a massive - and we mean MASSIVE income

Between Nov 26 and the period-end ( 23 December) we will be able to make placements of our personally sponsored members to achieve the optimum result.

In the words of Tom Brodie, co-founder of Virtual World Direct and the innovator of the uVme concept:

"This (uVme) will be disruptive....... like Facebook and YouTube..... in the networking marketplace."

AND 3 new bonuses were announced!

To hear all about this and launch date you need to listen in to Eric Avery's conference room broadcast tomorrow night, Monday 5th November at 2:00 pm Eastern.

The link to the room is: -

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